
До свидания reddit

Ограничения учетной записи и сообщества
Мой аккаунт был заблокирован или заблокирован из-за подозрительной активности

Это не мои, а их проблемы. Я в таких случаях не разбираюсь. Покидаю сразу. Благо есть выбор. Тем более для меня настало время тотальной оптимизации используемых ресурсов.

1 comment:

  1. Heads up, Serj-Aleks:

    We've detected some unusual activity on your account and have locked it as an extra security measure.
    Your account will be unlocked once a new password has been created.

    Resetting your password should be easy.
    Visit our password recovery page here:

    If you do not have an email address associated with your account, a new one can be added in the link above.
    If you no longer have access to the email linked to your account, please read the following article for further information:

    We'd like to assure you that Reddit has not been breached.
    However, lists of commonly used email/username and password combinations may be found online if another site has been compromised.
    Because of this, we always recommend using a strong password/email combo that's unique to Reddit only, and setting up two-factor authentication on your account.
    You can find instructions for setting up that additional security here:

    Additional tips for staying on top of your account's security can be found here:

    You can monitor recent account activity here: https://www.reddit.com/account-activity
    Keep in mind that the geolocation of IP addresses is not an exact science and may occasionally be incorrect, especially on mobile.

    - The Reddit Security Team
